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Calendar of Events
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Type XXVI Hull
Type XXI Hull
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Calendar of Events

Here we'll list events and activities scheduled for the rest of the year. During the winter time the weather is too cold to sail so our next meeting won't be until summer 2002. If a meeting is scheduled during the winter, we will update this page.

July 2002

July 27-28: 11th SubRegatta, at the new location in Long Island, for more information see Tim Smalley's info page


Events 2002

May 18
Riverside Park, Guelph 12:00 to 4:00.
fun run

May 25/26
Hamilton Steam Museum  gathering of boats

Jun 08
Riverside Park, Guelph 12:00 to 4:00.
fun run

Jun 15/16
Nepean Days, Andrew Hayden Park, Ottawa

Jun 16
City Hall, King St., Kitchener

 Jun 29
Riverside Park, Guelph 12:00 to 4:00.
Fun run

Jul 01
Canada Day, Walter Baker Park,  Kanata

 Jul 01
Tillsonburg  (to be confirmed)

 Jul 06/07
Canalfest, Merrickville.

 Jul 13
Ottawa Regatta, Andrew Hayden Park,  (sponsor: Rideau Nautical Modellers)

 Jul 27/28
Sub Regatta, Johnston, RI. USA

 Jul 27/28
Perth Music Festival, Perth.

 Aug 10
Riverside Park, Guelph.12:00 to 4:00.
fun run

 Aug 24
Barrie, (to be confirmed)

Sep 14
Riverside Park, Guelph 12:00 to 4:00.
fun run

 Sep 28

 Oct 12
Riverside Park, Guelph. 12:00 to 4:00.
fun run

Toronto Hobby Show

Canal Days
Port Colbourne   No date yet

Ottawa Area
Fun run every Tues evening throughout summer

Prospective members are welcome to learn more about us by attending an event.